
... out of love for animals.

About us

Our primary goal is to approach our clients as a responsible and reliable partner, who can ensure comprehensive commercial – nutritional services, which are absolutely necessary for livestock breeding and feed production. We are mainly oriented on proven procedures, where we focus on the production economics, health performance, animal performance, reproduction and herd breeding parameters. The approach of our work is focusing on maximizing production within its economic justification. We are not proponents of various “nonsense concepts”, we prefer sustainable production and controlled breeding economy. On request, it is possible to get acquainted with the results of our work at several companies.


Animal nutrition

The complex service of commercial-nutritional livestock farming, the possibility of providing analyzes and monitoring feed quality.


Livestock management

Optimization and setting of critical points regarding zootechnical procedures, monitoring management and economics of animal husbandry.



Creating feed recipes and securing the complex system of feed preservation. Offering mediation of compound feeds, vitamin-mineral compound feeds and molasses licks.


Expertly and Professional services

Professional advice on livestock breeding provided by our specialists and nutritionists.

Company profile

We provide professional advice in the agriculture sector, in the field of animal nutrition, livestock management, conservation feed production and plant and soil protection. In all areas of our consulting sphere, we benefit from our experience, which we have accumulated during our many years of operation in the agricultural market. Main business subjects NTR Nutrition, spol. s.r.o. includes advisory services in the nutrition and breeding of livestock, import and export of feed and feed additives, production of vitamin-mineral feed mixtures, complete feed mixtures and molasses licks.

Company offer

On Slovak republic market we exclusively represent the products of DSM Nutritional company.  We offer high quality of DSM vitamin-mineral feed mixtures, and also commercial brand compound feed available on the Slovak market. According to customer requirements, we provide preparation of compound feed recipes for all types of livestock. NTR Nutrition company also offers starter feed mixtures, which are treated and enriched with substances that support the healthy growth and development of lambs and calves. We collaborate with Schils company who is the top producer with a long history on market in production milk replaceron top quality/price ratio. We cover high quality of energy supplements in compound feeds such as glycerol and protected „bypass fats“ in cooperation with Heinrich Nagel GMBH and we also provide a comprehensive system of conservation feedwith chemical and biological preservatives of the Addcon Germany (Kofasil) company. With world leaders in the feed industry, we closely work on the import and production of special feed additivessuch as Iframix company.

Consultancy services in animal production

  • An initialaudit of breeding and SWOT analysis of breeding processing
  • Preparing and controlling action plan along with setting breading priorities and goals of livestock breeding plan
  • Monitoring management and economics of breeding using the implementation controlling elements
  • Planing thecorrective measures and regular communication with the company’s management
  • Complex advice service in nutrition and livestock breeding, including necessary breeding and feeding analysis
  • Scanning current condition and health herd status and afterwordspreparing and balancing nutrition feed rations and feedratios
  • Devisingsowing procedures, feed preparation planning and purchasing planning to secure the fodder base
  • Optimization of zootechnical management, learning new foreignlivestock breeding techniquesand implementation ofitand controlledwork protocol.


Ing. Stanislav Drotár

specialist in the breeding of large and small ruminants, independent consultant references: AFEED, a. s. a BIOFAKTORY, s. r. o.

Ing. Jozef Lenhart

specialist in monogastric nutrition, independent consultant references: AFEED, a. s., BIOFAKTORY, s. r. o. a BIOTIKA, a. s.

Ing. Martin Marák

trade, purchase and marketing references: AFEED, a. s., BIOFAKTORY, s. r. o. a INSEMAS s. r. o.

Ing. Michal Alexík

senior and independent consultant, a specialist in the breeding of large and small ruminants

Bc. Stanislava Drotárová

junior consultant, livestock specialist E-commerce manager

Miriam Malíková

orders and logistics


NTR Nutrition, spol. s.r.o.
Svätoplukova 2,  984 01 Lučenec
IČO:  51431041
IČ DPH: SK2120705829
Alfa No. Reg.: α SK 200645

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